Integrated Education
Integrated Education
Integrated Education aims to provide children with a caring and enhanced educational experience. Empowering them as individuals is a priority for staff so that, as they grow and mature, they’ll be able to effect positive change in the shared society we live in. Our Integrated Ethos means we open our arms to the whole community, irrespective of social, cultural or religious background. It is our belief that education should lead change and that the future for our children and our community is brighter if children live and work together in an atmosphere of reconciliation and trust. At Phoenix pupils have opportunities to learn and play together in an inclusive environment.
The Key Principles of Integrated Education
The integrated school promotes equality in sharing between and within the diverse groups that compose the school community. This occurs structurally at every level amongst pupils, staff and the board of governors, as well as culturally within the overt and hidden curricula of the school.
Faith & Values
The integrated school provides a Christian based rather than a secular approach. It aspires to create an environment where those of all faiths and none are respected, acknowledged and accepted as valued members of the school community
Parental Involvement
The support and commitment of parents is a fundamental element of Integrated Education and historically, parents have been central to the development of integrated schools.
Social Responsibility
The integrated school delivers the curriculum on an all-ability and inclusive basis to all of its pupils. It respects the uniqueness of every pupil and acknowledges his/her entitlement to personal, social, intellectual and spiritual development in the attainment of individual potential
The Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) was established in 1987. It is a Non-Departmental Public Body grant funded by the Department of Education to promote the development of Integrated Education.
The IEF financially supports the establishment of new Integrated schools, the growth of existing Integrated schools and those schools seeking to become Integrated through the Transformation process. For 30 years the IEF has been supporting the growth and development of Integrated Education.
Chinese New Year
We came together to celebrate Chinese New Year. As an Integrated School we value the opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions. To end our assembly, our Year 4 pupils shared their wonderful Chinese dragon poetry, taught everyone a dragon song and even showed us how to say 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese.
Year 4 First Confession
Congratulations to our Year 4 pupils who celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession.) They did so well and we are proud to support them on their Faith journey.
Multicultural Event
A huge thanks to our Parents' Council for all their hard work organising a magnificent Multicultural Event in our new school. We would also like to thank Mid Ulster District Council for funding the event through the Good Relations Grant. This was a great opportunity for the local community to come together to learn more about, and to celebrate the different cultures that make up our community.
Carson Awards Showcase 2024

Year 4 received an award for their Year 4 entry to the 2023-24 Carson Awards, titled 'Celebrating Cultural Diversity'. The Carson Awards Showcase is an annual event where Integrated pupils show their creative talent and all the amazing projects they have been working on.
The Carson Awards is an excellent opportunity for our pupils to express themselves creatively.
Integrated Education Month 2024 - Cultural Diversity - Year 4
Integrated Education Month 2024 - Gender Stereotypes - Years 1-3
Cultural Diversity Workshops
As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive and integrated learning environment, all pupils in Years 1 to 7 participated in Cultural Diversity workshops, facilitated by Kathleen's Attic. These workshops were a valuable extension of the work already being done to celebrate diversity, promote understanding, and encourage respect among pupils from different cultural and religious backgrounds.
Integration Education Month

Phoenix Integrated Primary & Nursery School, 80 Fountain Road, Cookstown, Co Tyrone, BT80 8QF Tel: 028 8675 7096